Units with up to 0.8 WG static pressure.
Units with up to 0.6 WG static pressure.
Units with up to 0.20 WG static pressure.
A medium static unit paired with an economizer kit.
Slim and stylish ceiling-mounted cassette unit.
Ceiling-mounted cassettes with decorative panels.
Compact and energy efficient to meet a variety of needs.
Stylish suspended unit with an automatic swing louver.
Units with wide-angle louvers to distribute airflow.
Slim-line design compatible with the style of a room
Complete comfort in a clean design.
Redirects refrigerant vapor in a heat recovery system.
Flexible design with four ports.
Flexible design with eight ports.
Flexible design with 12 ports.
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Heat recovery and heat pump systems for applications up to 36 tons.
Control options to meet the needs of all project size requirements.
The ideal option for personalized comfort, delivering the right amount of heating and cooling.